Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 19/Jan/2005: "Worried About TV Licensing"

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Worried About TV Licensing

Regular readers of this blog will remember the fun I've had with my good friends from TV Licensing. But now I'm getting a bit worried about them: Back in December Richard Goodbody (Regional Manager Swindon Enforcement Division) told me he had authorised his Enforcement Officers to visit me. I would be interviewed under caution, which sounds quite exciting. And what has happened since?


No Enforcement Officers. No more letters. Nothing.

Now I'm getting a bit worried. Is Richard OK? And what about Miles Caines, TV Licensing Enforcement Manager, is he well? Or is he gone, as presumably is Michelle Tunstall, who also was TV Licensing Enforcement Managers? Or do the have lots of "managers"? May be I should ask Val Smith from Customer Services? I assume John Thompson (who also was, yes, you guessed it, TV Licensing Enforcement Manager) is long gone.

Oh, and just in case you don't know what I'm talking about, here are all the entries to the TV Licensing saga in chronological order (latest first):

More as the drama unfolds...

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