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Frohes Neues Jahr! Happy New Year! Up bright and early in the new year, trying to get an early start. It's very quiet outside at the moment, but I'm afraid that's going to change soon. This post is mainly a reminder to myself and anyone else who might be interested that the traditional Wiener Neujahrskonzert broadcast will start soon:
Here in the UK the broadcast will start at 10:15 hrs GMT on BBC3: New Year's Day Concert. It will be broadcast in two parts, Part 1 runs 10:15-10:50 and Part 2 runs 11:15-13:00.
Played by the Wiener Philharmoniker the Neujahrskonzert or in English New Year´s Concert has a quite long tradition. It was first performed in 1939 (then on New Year's Eve, it was switched to New Year's Day in 1941) and usually finishes with the Radetzky March, more at the Wikipedia entry Vienna New Year's Concert (or if you understand German Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker has even more information).
Happy listening!
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