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The new year is only just over an hour away and I've finally completed the last Blogging Abroad (Expat Bloggers) list update. I know, I know, I should have done this much earlier. I just couldn't find the time the last few weeks. First a few quick changes:
Neville Hobson has returned to the UK from the Netherlands, he now lives about an hour (on a good day, in bad traffic easily 1.5 hours) away from me. Rodney has moved to Austria. And Broke in Berlin has a new URL, please update your bookmarks.
Then the additions, almost all from e-mails the bloggers sent me. Here are the 15 additions to the list:
I've got a few more in my bookmarks, but it's getting late so they'll have to wait for another update in the new year. I need something to add then anyway, don't I? But as I'm on the topic of expats, here's a funny little conversation: An American expat and an English expat discussing north German football rivalries. Disclosure: I was born and grew up in Bremen and still follow Werder Bremen a little bit. Just so that you know where my sympathies lie. With the Juniorette and the proud father obviously.
Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr! (by the time I've uploaded this entry the Germans will already be in 2007...)
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End of entry trivia
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