Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 29/Dec/2006: "Debt and Spending Spree"

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Debt and Spending Spree

Driving home from the airport on Wednesday I remember hearing about people starting to queue for the sales at 5:00 in the morning. Starting my feed reader this morning I was presented with these two headlines right above each other:

Screenshot of two headlines in feed reader

It probably was just coincidence that my feed reader pulled those to articles together, first the news about record consumer debt write-offs, then the news about expected record spending in the sales. I don't know to what extent the people in debt are the same who fuel the record spending, but I think there will be at least some overlap. Something I find scary, people buying 'bargains' they quite likely don't really need with money they can't afford to spend.

May be it is because they're so bad at maths?

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