Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 13/Sep/2006: "This And That"

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This And That

OK, this is a blog. Blog is shortened from Weblog. Some people say the name weblog comes from keeping a log from travels through the web, in other words posting lots of links. So that's what I'm going to do now, post a bunch of links. Takes my mind of a few things and gives me a break. Here we go:

The Bagger is back, but under a different name: Hillwalk Scotland .com (News, Information, Opinion). As the name says, it will be about hillwalking, in particular in Scotland. Oh, and a bagger here is not this type of bagger, but someone who bags moutain or hill peaks. Just in case you didn't know.

I've just sold my bike, so it's not something I need to worry about: Apparently you are much more likely to be knocked down if you are wearing a bicycle helmet. The law of unintended consequences at work...

Kind of related, false impressions of safety with SUVs. Just because a car is bigger (and higher) it doesn't mean it's safer. Quite possibly the opposite.

I'm not commuting at the moment for obvious reasons, before that I walked to work for the last six years. Meaning I can laugh about this one: You'll never get to work on time, Haha!!

My spam folder is quite full again, at least I don't have to deal with door to door spam as well...

Machair is one of the most beautiful sights I can think of in Scotland during the summer. Silversprite has a few pictures of Machair and beaches in Lewis, reminding me of the machair at Huisinis (Hushinish) I visited in 2001.

A bit older, but kind of timeless anyway: Daniel Pearl claims his right to reply on his BBC Editors blog. Great post and a very interesting discussion in the comments!

This thing doesn't seem to be open to the public, but the virtual tours and panoramas are amazing: Wiltshire's Underground City. Quite impressive but also kind of scary.

Well, may be not at this hour where I want to go to bed soon, but apparently tea is a 'healthier' drink than water. Good. More tea tomorrow.

Scarecrow competition 'takes off'. With gallery: Scarecrow contest in pictures. Some are really good!

That's my 'links to blog' folder pretty much cleaned out. But don't worry, there are still a few left for further entries over the next few days. Now it's time to post this entry and get to bed.

End of entry


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Entry trivia

End of entry trivia

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