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Big Big Blogging Abroad Update
If I'm not mistaken the last update was in mid February, meaning it's time for a big big update of the Blogging Abroad (Expat Bloggers) list. Quite a few additions (28 to be precise) for your perusal, here they are:
- From Germany to England
- From the Netherlands to Spain
- From Germany to Reading, England
- From Germany to Glasgow, Scotland
- From England to Germany
- From the USA to Germany
- From Norway to the USA
- From Germany to England
- From Germany to Dublin, Ireland
- From England to Oslo, Norway
- From England to Berlin, Germany
- From the USA to Germany
- An American in Germany
- From England to Italy (where he probably won't get much sleep tonight)
- From Germany to Canada
- From the USA to Thailand
- A Dutchman (with a Chinese wife) in Germany
- A German in China
- An American in Taiwan (the first blog from Taiwan on the list)
- From the USA to Taiwan
- From Slovenia to Germany
- From the Netherlands to Southern France
- From Germany to Norway
- A Brit in Malaysia
- An American in England
- A German in Switzerland
- From Germany to China
- From Austria to Germany
That should be all for now, I hope I didn't miss anyone. Some of the additons are courtesy of Christina from her 'across the pond and beyond' entry. Others contacted me via e-mail, yet others I found during my travels through the web.
Not sure yet when the next update will be, it's holiday season soon and I don't know how many new blogs I'll find over the coming weeks. We'll see...
End of entry
Entry trivia
- When writing this entry the weather was: clear, comparably cold
- When writing this entry I was listening to: BBC Radio Five Live (and a few Italians living in England sounding their horns)
- I'm currently reading/have just finished reading this book/publication: Watching the English - Kate Fox
- I recently visited this website/-page: all the ones added above...
- The last drink I had was/is: Ardbeg
End of entry trivia
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