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Quite a long break, but I finally found the time to do some work on the WalkIslay 2005 travelogue again. I've just finished the page for our walk to the summit of Beinn Bheigier, Islay's highest hill. The panorama looking north and east I had already mentioned, new is the QuickTime VR panorama of the view over Proaig, Ardtalla and Claggain Bay. So far for my latest Islay and Jura pages/pictures. But there's more:
Chris Upson went to Jura for the Jura Fell Race and had atrocious weather. Luckily he stayed on for a few more days with better weather to take these great pictures of various places on Islay and Jura. And there are more "random reports and photos of hills and hill racing" on his blog, certainly worth a visit.
And finally some whisky news: Kilchoman Distillery on Islay is about to start distilling whisky. This tiny new distillery is certainly generating quite a bit of news coverage: Islay toast as whisky comes full cycle writes The Scotman while The Independent titles Whisky galore (related note: not an Islay link, but apparently a remake of Whisky Galore is being planned).
That's all for now, more to come tomorrow hopefully.
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