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Here in Swindon we have a grey and dull Sunday morning, yet I'm up bright and early to blog a few more links. OK, the 'bright and early' isn't entirely true after a late night, but I'm awake anyway. So what's on offer this morning? A variety of links, some you might find interesting, some you might find boring. Here we go:
First some music, Beethoven to be precise. I don't really need to download them, as I have almost all of them on CD anyway (actually, some of them in multiple versions), but the BBC is launching The Beethoven Experience this week. And for a limited period they will offer all nine Beethoven symphonies as MP3 downloads. Something different for your iPods?
Then for something completely different. The Bagger might find this interesting, but then I doubt he'll be interested in lugging a laptop up a Munro. I certainly wouldn't want to, the only piece of electronic equipment I want to take with me when I'm out is my digital camera (and possibly my mobile phone. Switched off though). Nevertheless, this PC's for mountaineers. Not exactly cheap either, the specifications are impressive though.
A lot of the analysis and reports have been quite gloomy after the recent no votes on the European constitution in France and the Netherlands, BusinessWeek looks at it differently and thinks the results might actually strengthen Europe. While not directly about the EU I still think related here are a few interesting thoughts about business and management models Europe (and in particular Germany) could adopt.
Can't remember where I found this link, some very interesting thoughts about why high tech ID cards won't help much and quite likely are even dangerous. Thinking about it, not really new, but still interesting.
Big 4x4s and disposable nappies are claimed not to be as bad for the environment as previously thought. But then the math is decidedly dodgy: One cycle of a kitchen dishwasher reportedly releases around 756g of CO2, more than double that produced by a short spin in a Range Rover Turbo Diesel, which releases 299g per kilometre.
Erm, hello? Do you really suggest driving a distance of one (1) kilometre? Or would a short spin be more something like 5km (2.5km each way)? In which case the short spin would generate 1,495g of CO2, which is almost exactly twice as much as the dishwasher cycle. I'll leave Leo Hickman to dissect the washable vs disposable nappies analysis.
And I think that's enough links for a Sunday morning.
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