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Yesterday I wrote about a MBNA phishing scam, today the BBC reports about it. The BBC report says SurfControl uncovered the fraud. Well, their press release is dated 24 Feb 2004. It says:
The scam, which is so new that there is no warning about it on the bank's Web site or news reports about it, appears to specifically target MBNA bank customers in the U.K. in an attempt to steal their online bank log-in information.
Well, my post was made on the 23rd, a day before you picked this up and almost 24 hours before the BBC reported it. Looks like you should read more weblogs to keep up to date and be warned earlier ;-)
End of entry
No phishing here, just two kids. One is my younger sister, one is me. I'll let you figure out which one's which.
End of entry trivia
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