Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 24/Feb/2004: "Expat Bloggers update"

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Expat Bloggers update

It's time for another Expat Bloggers update. Here are the latest changes and additions:

That's all for now. I'm sure there will be more. Send me a mail if you're blogging abroad or know somebody who is blogging abroad. Especially if the blog is in a language other than English or German (just make sure you give me all the information I need i.e. original country, current country, name of blogger, name of blog, URL, language. That will make it easier for me to add the blog).

End of entry

Entry trivia

Dodgy picture of the moment:

Picture of Armin and Imke

One of these two is now an expat blogger. The other one moved south from the north of Germany to the south. I'll let you figure out which one is which.

End of entry trivia

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