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My mother just called and she had something to tell me: "Tipp doch mal www.jutta-grewe.de in Deinem Browser ein" (Enter www.jutta-grewe.de in your browser). Yes, my mother now has her own homepage with her own domain. How cool is that?
OK, there isn't much on the page yet (and it won't be of much interest to you if you don't speak German), but she has finally kicked it off. She used to be responsible for the website of the Grundschule an der Horner Heerstrasse where she taught until she retired in 2003.
We had discussed this previously and I had offered her space and a subdomain on my webspace, as well as suggesting she should consider getting her own domain and webspace. And now she's done it. I'm impressed and I think she will enjoy it. It won't be a design masterpiece and at least some of the content won't be appealing to many people. But I think this is what the web is all about, everyone can publish, everyone can find their niche and be creative in their own way.
How many of you have parents with an own website? And in particular one they brought online without any help from their children?
End of entry
That's my mother approx 27 years before she first started using the internet. And me approx 26 years before I first used the internet. And that's quite a while ago.
End of entry trivia
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