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A follow up to my recent post about North German Food:
Ulrich van Stipriaan (from Dresden, kind of the other side of Germany, i.e. the south east (well, more east probably)) has just posted an entry with the recipe for Grünkohl (in German, only for those who understand German) on his Food & Drink Blog (at least that's what it seems to be ;-)).
At the same time our hispanofrancophile Scot is back in Scotland and instead of Haggis he is eating ... Tapas. Looks like Dundee is really reinventing itself and he will come back with a positive report.
And me? I'll have a beef fillet later, probably followed by the odd wee dram of the 20yr Bruichladdich and cask strength Laphroaig. And The Proclaimers will be on the stereo, as I unfortunately can't attend the real thing.
End of entry
End of entry trivia
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