Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 19/Nov/2003: "More on fake blogs"

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More on fake blogs

I wanted to post this yesterday but then BT decided that I had been online long enough and my DSL went down. As it was fairly late anyway I decided to go to bed instead of waiting to see if/when it was going to come back again. Hence this update a day late:

Nicole (from Germany, who says no English language blogs link to hers. Which has just changed...) sent me some feedback to my entry about blog referer spamming. She had similar fake blogs in her logfiles and pointed me to an entry on which has a lot of research and further links about these fake blogs.

Looks like quite a few sites have been hit by this, including who also has an entry about the blog snatchers.

End of entry

Entry trivia

When writing this entry the weather was: Same as yesterday, cloudy and mild.

When writing this entry I was listening to: Storm Radio

During the last hour before I wrote this entry I visited this website: PapaScott

End of entry trivia

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