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This weekend I noticed an interesting ad (actually, there were two) in the current edition of Private Eye (unfortunately the ad is not available online).
The headlines were quite interesting already: Country House Estate up for Grabs
and Former Duke's Island Estate For Sale
. But the text of the ads was even better, a few quotes:
Would suit privacy seeking celebrity with impeccable - so that's Halliwell, Posh, Cilla, Rod, Elton, Hucknell & Cowell out for starters.
...location for for less than the price of a Chelsea semi and without the threat of muggings or appearing in the Mirror's surveillance column constantly hanging over your helmet
Would suit privacy seeking celeb with impeccable taste (so forget it Brittany, Naomi, Jerry, Geri, Cilla, Camilla, Posh and Wee Jimmy Krankie
The place in question? Dippin Lodge on the Isle of Arran. Too bad I don't have the money to buy it, it looks like a fantastic place. But what is all this celebrity bashing about?
The Scotsman has more details why celebrities need not apply.
End of entry
When writing this entry the weather was: cloudy, mild
When writing this entry I was listening to: Storm Radio
During the last hour before I wrote this entry I visited this website: Dippin Lodge (had to revisit it...)
End of entry trivia
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