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Jez Smith started to create a Bloglossary, trying to translate "blog terms" into as many languages as possible.
As I'm German I thought I give him a hand and start the German part of the Bloglossary. Some of it is more difficult than I thought, as I couldn't think of any German word or words I could use to translate the English term. Any help by my German speaking readers would be appreciated. Just send me your input using the feedback form below or use my Contact page, whatever works for you.
Once complete I will link to the official Bloglossary again.
End of entry
When writing this entry the weather was: Cloudy, but dry so far. Quite windy.
When writing this entry I was listening to: Feeder - Comfort in Sound
During the last hour before I wrote this entry I visited this website: LEO English/German dictionary
End of entry trivia