Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 02/Jul/2006: "H1 2006 Blog Discoveries"

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H1 2006 Blog Discoveries

It's far too hot today (especially now that it is afternoon and the sun had enough time to heat everything up) to come up with anything new and original. Well, at least for now, I might be able to come up with something better this evening once it starts to cool down. But for now I'm just going to cross post most of an entry 'H1 2006 Blog Discoveries' I wrote at Top 5 yesterday:

This is a blog, right? Sometimes bloggers write about other blogs. So do I, here are five blogs I added to my RSS aggregator subscriptions this year:

5. Ricardo’s Blog

A blog from a continent we probably don’t read much of here in Europe (apart from now during the Football World Cup): Latin and South America. Ricardo is from Mexico, but lives in Brazil and blogs at Ricardo’s Blog. Oh, and we share the same employer, which is how I found his blog.

4. Blogrolle

The only German blog making it on to my H1 2006 list. The Blogrolle author works as an executive for the online portal of Germany’s biggest tabloid newspaper, although that’s not the focus of his blog, instead he writes about various technology topics

3. Get Rich Slowly

Most people try to get rich quick, sometimes it’s better to Get Rich Slowly. Some of the content is US centric, but I still find interesting thoughts and ideas about personal finance and related topics almost daily.


I’m not entirely sure if this might have been very late 2005 discovery, but then I only really started reading (and subscribing) to it in 2006, so it makes the list: is Neville Hobson’s (now there’s a surprise) blog about communication and PR. Quite a lot of interesting stuff to find here.

1. Silversprite

John Kirriemuir grew up in the Vale of Evesham (that’s not too far from Swindon, where I live), but now lives on the Isle of Berneray in the Outer Hebrides, where he blogs on Silversprite (also the name of his consultancy business). He writes about life in the Outer Hebrides, beaches and “the application of Internet-based technologies in island and remote locations”. Great beach pictures as well.

These were my top 5 discoveries for the first half of 2006, I hope the second half will be as good!

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