Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 11/Jun/2006: "IslayBlog Goes Live (Shameless Plug)"

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IslayBlog Goes Live (Shameless Plug)

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The last few weeks it has been fairly quiet here for a number of reasons. Busy at work, lack of ideas, a variety of things. And that I spent quite a bit of time working on my new second blog, 2.5 weeks ago I blogged that had gone beta, I think now it's ready enough to 'go live', time for another plug here.

Since the first entry almost three weeks ago I've added 15 more entries about a number of topics. I hope they give a flavour of what I'm planning to do with the blog. I'm not sure how interesting it will be for other people, but knowing that a lot of people like Islay I hope to find a few readers. And to get those readers I have to promote it a bit, hence the shameless plug here.

In other words, head over to, take a look and if you like it subscribe to the RSS feed for

Oh, and I plan to be more active on this blog as well again in the future. As they say, watch this space...

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