Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 29/May/2006: "Bank Holiday Weekend Summary"

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Bank Holiday Weekend Summary

Is the bank holiday weekend already over? Where did the time go, three days off after all? And very slow blogging, at least on this blog. Let's see where all the time went, try to summarise how I spent the weekend:

After the close shave with the dog attacking me while I was jogging I didn't get much done on Saturday. Looking at my leg now I'm 99% certain that I was very lucky as it now shows marks indicating that the dog did bite. I've got some bruises now showing up where the fangs hit my leg, but luckily didn't pierce the skin (small dark blue spots on the top and bottom). If that had gone in I would have had a nasty hole in my leg. Certainly something I'll let the owner know when I send her the bill for the torn trousers. It probably will upset her again (she was genuinely upset and sorry when it happened), but she needs to make sure it doesn't happen again, next time it could be much nastier.

Sunday morning I slept in, then surfed the web a bit and added another entry to the now up and running Also managed to sort out my snail mail inbox. For the afternoon I drove over to Marlborough for a look around. After returning home I had a cup of tea and read a bit in The Economist before starting to work on a QuickTime VR panorama of the American Monument and The Oa on the Isle of Islay.

And then it was already Bank Holiday Monday. Got up reasonably early, added a post to the IslayBlog, prepared the dough for some bread, put it into the oven and went jogging. Got some laundry done and early in the afternoon drove over to Greenbridge to buy some new jogging trousers, better get that out of the way. Also looked around for a new modem/router, but couldn't make my mind up which one I should buy. Returned home mid afternoon to quickly complete some company work (had to complete the input for a meeting tomorrow, where the data only came out today. Some poor people had to work today to process the data and prepare the report). Then finally started working on the The Oa and Beinn Mhór page for the WalkIslay 2006 travelogue, interrupted by calls from my mother and father.

And that was my bank holiday weekend. How was yours, assuming you had a bank holiday weekend?

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