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Just when you thought this blog was dead after all a sign of life, a new entry. Last weekend and early into the week I was very busy with the WalkIslay 2006 Travelogue. Then I worked on another minisite (not open to the public). And yesterday evening my sister arrived. In other words: No time for blogging really.
Later this morning we'll leave for Wales, where I'll drop my sister off at the Cwmfforest Riding Centre for her annual horse trekking holidays. I'll return to Swindon later this afternoon or evening, I might blog a bit when I get home, I might not. Next Saturday I'll pick my sister up again and we'll then spend the weekend together before she flies back to Germany on Monday.
If the weather is bad on Sunday I'll finally complete a way overdue update of the Blogging Abroad (Expat Bloggers) page, if the weather is nice I'll have better things to do than sitting in front of a computer. For those interested in the TV Licensing Saga, the next letter should arrive some time next week (usually comes around this time of the month), so I'll probably write the next installment of the saga then.
To help you waste time until then, here's a game you can play: Count Duckula in Veggie Flight Delight. My current record is 233.14, although I'm afraid that will be as good as it gets.
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