Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 21/Feb/2006: "Others About TV Licensing"

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Others About TV Licensing

My recent TV Licensing saga entry has had some reactions and I also found another blogger who is responding to the TV Licensing letters in a similar way to me. Good to read that I'm not alone with my frustration:

First terreus posted some thoughts about 'presumed guilty until proven innocent' which seems to apply for TV Licensing in my discussion forum.

Then Steve sent me an e-mail comment with some interesting thoughts: I have received the second letter of the current investigation today. Why should I phone their 0870 number ( I don't have a landline, how much would it cost on my mobile?) and why should I buy a stamp to let them know that I don't owe them money. Thought I would check to see if I could update them online, It appears not. Got that right. But he goes one better:

I do not possess a marriage licence, fishing licence, firearms licence, hackney carriage licence or a licence to sell intoxicating liquors, do I get visits from the relevant licence enforcement officers or letters demanding that I notify them that I do not require one? Exactly my thinking.

And finally Robert Barnes receives one of the all too familiar letters. He responds with a nicely worded letter and asks them to make an appointment with him.

(That's enough TV Licensing! Ed.)

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