Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 31/Dec/2005: "Year End Clean Up"

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Year End Clean Up

Finally it's done, well, most of it: Just spent ages updating links and removing outdated links from my Blogging Abroad (Expat Bloggers) page, quite a few moving to the Returned expats page. I had hoped to also complete the additions today, but the clean up took me too long, so they will have to wait until tomorrow next year.

And with that all that's left for this year is for me to wish a 'Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr'. Christina has an excellent explanation about what that means and where it comes from, something I didn't know. And probably a lot of other Germans don't know either. Funny that a Canadian has to dig this out.

Irrelevant last piece of information: Because my server is in Germany this entry will have a time stamp of 01/Jan/2006 while it is still 31/Dec/2005 here in the UK for me when finishing this entry.

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