Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 25/Dec/2005: "Ooops, One Week Too Early"

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Ooops, One Week Too Early

How could we all get it so wrong? I can see Christmas postings all over the blogs: Basil and The Cartoonist, PapaScott, VoWe, Horst, AD++, Blue Witch, Martin, Stuart, Gordon, Neil, Arbroath, John Robb, Nick Bradbury, Josh Bancroft, Mausi and probably countless others. But look what I found in my inbox today (!):

Screenshot of the spam saying Christmas is one week away

There is still another week to go until Christmas! Christmas is still coming! I read it in the e-mail, it must be true! (No, it isn't. Ed.) OK, may be not. Useless spammers.

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