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Musical Sandwiches and Website Development? That's a strange combination you might think. And I would have to say, you're right. But then I just have to post about these two things and as I'm quite busy today I might as well do it in one post. Here we go:
Katie (who probably won't have much time blogging now, as she passed her driving test) first mentioned the musical sandwich. I commented on it, sent the link to a few people at work and then pretty much forgot about it. Until I discovered the video (with sound) at Clemens' blog. Yikes! Apart from the noise pollution, please don't buy this crime against the environment!
(That's enough musical sandwiches. Next topic! Ed.)
Ever wanted to know how these big websites are developed? Always found it difficult to understand? Well, help is at hand: The Website Development Process in an easy to understand and illustrated flow. With cute figurines. (via Kim Pallister)
(Awww! How cute! Ed.)
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