Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 17/Oct/2005: "Linkblogging"

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Yesterday I kind of promised I would take (another) break from working on the Scotland Summer 2005 travelogue and instead do some proper blogging. Meaning linking to pages other than my own. OK then, here we go, I hope you'll find some of it interesting:

Via the soon to be married Nosemonkey I found The Wikablog, a project by Tim Worstall (whose blog I occasionally read) and Joseph Kynaston Reeves (who I had never heard of before). It's a wiki of blogs, if you have a blog you can add yours (or get someone else to do it). Or you can add other blogs. I've added mine.

Then some language stuff: This one won't mean much to you if you don't know any German, although it might help you if you don't understand the English a German is using when talking to you. They might use Denglisch. Transblawg links to the Fruchtbringendes Wörterbuch which lists a lot of examples. Or if you don't understand what your German friends are trying to say when they tell you to call them on their 'handy', want to put something into their 'body bag' or would like to drive in an 'oldtimer', then try the Liste der Scheinanglizismen (List of pseudo-English words).

I guess living in Swindon and not in Greater London, Cornwall, Strathclyde, Northern Ireland and South Glamorgan means I'll have to wait a bit longer while BT gears up for 'max' broadband. 2Mbps is beginning to feel slow...

The last time I wrote about TV Licensing was in July, not much exciting has happened since. They sent me a few more letters (which I filed) and also one letter by registered mail (which I didn't bother to pick up from the post office). Others still feel threatened and are upset by the letters. But then the real fun is about to begin once TV programmes will be widely available on mobile phones. Not that my phone is able to do that, it doesn't even have a camera (and I don't intend to replace it until it dies).

Something from the weird and wonderful department: Offenders 'banger-ed up' in cell. Not a good idea.

Some kind of useful to know legal details when crossing the road in Germany and the UK: Crossing against the lights/Bei Rot über die Ampel. Having lived in the UK for a long time now I always have to be careful when I visit Germany not to cross the road with the traffic lights still showing a red light...

Some more blogging about blogging: Spamblogs (aka splogs) seem to be exploding at the moment. I've seen a few using some of my content (and no, I won't link to them) or filling them up with bogus keywords and content I track. Others are hit much more: Blog Spam Goes Crazy, Splogs run amok, Google's Splogsplosion, Splogsplosion, Google: Kill Blogspot Already!!!, This splog thing is getting totally out of hand. Looks like action to address the problem is under way: Google Responds to Splog Problem! Let's see what happens and if my watchlist will be usable again soon.

More language stuff: I don't know any Gaelic (I'm happy if I can pronounce some of the Gaelic place names correctly...) but should I ever decide to learn it I might listen to Gaelcast. Learning it at Ionad Chaluim Chille Íle (The Columba Centre Islay) is even better option though.

And finally: The world's first finishing school for gentlemen. In Scotland. Will that do for now? Is that enough proper blogging? (Yes, that'll do for now. Get back to the travelogue. Ed.)

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