Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 01/Sep/2005: "More on the Dream House"

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More on the Dream House

Looks like it's Islay day on my blog today. Almost a year ago I wrote about my dream house on Islay. The link for the sale doesn't work any more, as the house has since been sold.

A few days ago Jen sent me a mail that her family has bought the house and included a link for the website: Lurabus House. I can't really add anything, I think the place is amazing from everything I've seen of it so far. Go take a look.

And before you think I wouldn't make any progress on the Scotland Summer 2005 travelogue (If you spend all your time blogging you can't make any progress with it! Ed.), it's not the final thing and will be replaced with the real page, but here's a preview for the Conival and Ben More Assynt pages I'm currently working on. (OK, OK, but get back to work now. No blogging until you've finished the pages! Ed.)

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