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Still here, still alive. Just a bit quiet and busy. At least we now have the bank holiday weekend to catch up on a few things. After a very busy and exhausting week I decided to stay at home today and start working on the WalkIslay 2005 travelogue.
But then I had to push that out slightly: When I started up Panorama Factory and started with the first panorama a message popped up that my hard drive was approaching its capacity. Meaning I spent large parts of today cleaning up my hard drive, moving files to an external drive and then defragmenting the hard drive. While that was running in the background I used the time to catch up on some reading of The Herald, the Sunday Herald and Die Zeit. Some laundry was folded and put away as well, not to forget some half-hearted tidying up of my living room.
Then it was time for tea, scones with clotted cream and some strawberries. And now I can finally start. I might have something online today, I might not. If not it probably won't be online until earliest Sunday evening, as I'm planning to go walking tomorrow, weather permitting.
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