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Collected links
A few more links about topics I found interesting over the last few days:
- When I first saw the name I was a bit surprised, but Billy Bragg writes in The Independent: In the shadow of extreme nationalism. Interesting thoughts about nationalism, D-Day and the EU elections. And an appeal:
We owe it to them to participate in the democracy that they saved for us
- Worrying reading? Or just another warning before the housing crash? Home may not prove to be pension safety net. I'm still renting, partly because I don't want to be tied down with a house yet, partly because I'm wondering if, how and when the house price crash will happen. In the meantime house prices continue to rise.
- Not too much new, but there's one point I wasn't aware of in the BBC report about Google:
'Within the last year we have improved out way of processing and indexing the web,' he says. 'You are not going to see Google dances.'
That explains why I find most of my entries here in Google within a few days...
- I think there have been some questions about if and/or how Ireland can continue its economic success of the last decade. Here's an interesting analysis about Ireland and success in the outsourcing game. A quote I found interesting:
'Ireland has several benefits in that it's English-speaking, euro- compliant and within easy access of the U.K. and also mainland Europe,' said Will Golby, a spokesman for TKO Software
. Hello, Mr Howard and your Tories, are you listening? "Euro-compliant". If you want to sell into Europe taking part does help...
I hope you found some of these interesting as well. Time for a pint of Guinness and then off to bed.
End of entry
Entry trivia
- When writing this entry the weather was: cloudy
- When writing this entry I was listening to: BBC Radio 1
- I'm currently reading/have just finished reading this book/publication: none
- I recently visited this website/-page: Microsoft patches a pair of flaws
- The last drink I had was/is: Milk
End of entry trivia
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