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Some Blogging
After completing the travelogue on Saturday I pretty much took a break from the computer yesterday and went for yet another walk (somewhere near Pewsey). Quite nice, not too many interesting pictures though, at least none really worth showing here. Let's do some "proper blogging" then, have a few links (and comments about them):
- Interesting interview about the "outsourced war", including a worrying quote:
There are political advantages [to using contractors]. Leaders seem less than interested in increasing the size of the military. It's easier for political leaders to do things the public might not support 100% if it's using private forces
. Scary.
- I must admit I don't really understand the Gmail hype. It's a free e-mail account (admittedly currently only on invitation). Why are people offering to pay for it? In a few months probably everyone can get one. And what's the point in a 1GB inbox? Never having to delete anything? Why would I keep the e-mail for an invitation to a party two weeks ago? Just because I can? I don't get it...
- Why? An interesting question...
- Unlikely to happen here in Swindon, but in Clevendon, Somerset, a man was given a broom by the council to allow him to sweep his road. Now he can show that he can do a better job in cleaning his street than the council. Quite cool response by the council.
- Hm, I'm currently with BT (fixed phone line) and Vodafone (mobile phone), Project Bluephone could be interesting. And will mobile phones completely replace fixed phone lines at some point? I currently use my fixed phone line only for internet access and calls to my parents and sister over in Germany...
- I think this was the cover story The Independent today: Only nuclear power can now halt global warming. No, that's not what the nuclear industry says, but a leading environmentalist. Still doesn't make me comfortable with it though.
That enough "proper blogging"?
End of entry
Entry trivia
- When writing this entry the weather was: partly cloudy
- When writing this entry I was listening to: BBC Radio 1
- I'm currently reading/have just finished reading this book/publication: Business 2.0 (print edition)
- I recently visited this website/-page: The Aardvark Speaks...
- The last drink I had was/is: Milk
End of entry trivia
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