Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 24/Sep/2003: "Offline"

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The Broadband connection in my old flat will be turned off some time on Thursday, probably before I have the time to go online in the evening. If everything goes to plan I should be online again in my new home on Monday. As I haven't blogged that much over the last two weeks during my move you probably won't really notice the difference though ;-)

To give you something to read and/or look at in the meantime I've added another page to the Scotland summer 2003 travelogue. This time a few impressions from our crossing to the Isle of Skye and the arrival at Kinloch Lodge.

Unless I decide to find a WiFi Hotspot over the weekend and go online there I'll be back early next week. Hopefully read you then.

End of entry

Entry trivia

When writing this entry the weather was: Clear and cold

When writing this entry I was listening to: BBC Radio 5 live

During the last hour before I wrote this entry I visited this website: none

End of entry trivia

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