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The Harry Potter mania seems to be slowing down slightly. For crime fiction fans (like me) it will be Inspector Rebus mania soon: A Question of Blood by Ian Rankin will be released on the 22nd of August. Assuming it arrives on time I know what I'll be reading on the bank holiday weekend...
A report in The Observer about the Economist John Kay (unfortunately not available online) lead me to The Truth About Markets: Their Genius, Their Limits, Their Follies (by John Kay). Looks like an interesting analysis about how markets work, their benefits and their failures. Ordered.
End of entry
When writing this entry the weather was: Mostly cloudy, some hazy sunshine
When writing this entry I was listening to: Bremer Kaffeehausorchester - Lieben Sie Strauss?
During the last hour before I wrote this entry I visited this website: The Cartoonist
End of entry trivia