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Ok, ok, ok. It's now 110 days since I last posted something here in this blog. Close to 1/3 of a year. There have been a few mails where I am and that I should be blogging here again. Well, the focus of my blogging at the moment is (and will continue to be) at IslayBlog.com, my blog about the Isle of Islay, Scotland. I'm just enjoying the focused blogging more at the moment. But as you ask me so nicely I'll try to write the odd entry here again.
I heard of this on the Chris Moyles Show while driving to work. If I remember correctly Dave got it from The Black Hole of Radio 1 on the Colin Murray show. All kind of weird mixes and things listeners found on the interweb. The one they played two days in a row is this one, a mashup of Eminem's Without Me with the Benny Hill title music:
Not my style of music, but I found this really funny, also the way the video has been mixed together. I think I'll have to listen to The Black Hole more often now. Have to admit I didn't even know of it, as I mostly listen to BBC 6 Music now and not much BBC Radio 1.
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