Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 17/Mar/2007: "live in a hiding place"

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live in a hiding place

Is there no end to this? He's posting yet another video? Has this blog turned into a music blog suddenly? Well, no. But I'm going to my first rock concert for several years today. I'm going to see Idlewild in Oxford tonight, so I'm getting into the mood. Here's one of my favourites, I hope they're going to play it tonight:


That's ‘live in a hiding place’ (obviously) from the remote part by Idlewild. Not the best quality, but I like atmosphere and the banter at the beginning. Now I just need to make sure I know where the Oxford Brookes Student Union, Headington Hill, OX3 0BT is located and how I get there. And probably post another video before I leave this afternoon.

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