Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 19/Dec/2006: "Chocolate and Banana Muffins"

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Chocolate and Banana Muffins

Picture of muffins cooling on a rack

Yesterday evening I mentioned that I've baked Chocolate and Banana Muffins. I found the recipe in some magazine a while ago, can't remember which one. It might have been one of the free customer magazines supermarkets sometimes give out. Anyway, here's my take on the recipe for chocolate and banana muffins. You need (this should give you 12 muffins):

And this is how you convert the ingredients into 12 very nice muffins:

Enjoy! And tomorrow I'll blog about smoked salmon on my IslayBlog. Now I'm off to bed, my stomach filled up with another muffin I just ate while finishing this entry.

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