Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 15/Jun/2006: "Football Polka"

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Football Polka

You didn't really expect this blog to be football free, did you? As a German living in England this is an interesting time, especially as there is still a distinct possibility that England will play Germany in the second round. But more about that later, this entry is about some football related music:

I have blogged about the Bremer Kaffeehausorchester before, they have just written and recorded the 'Fußball-Polka' (Football Polka). I'm not entirely sure if this is known in other countries, but certainly any German football fan will know the lyrics to sing to it: 'olé, olé olé olé...' For the duration of the World Cup you can download it at the Radio Bremen Vier Blog (click on 'Fußballpolka runterladen') or from the Bremer Kaffeehaus-Orchester website (click on 'Aktuell', then find 'Fussballpolka abspielen').


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