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Two and a half months ago I mentioned that the programme had been confirmed, now it's finally time to leave for WalkIslay 2006. The last load of laundry is in the machine (I hope it will all be dry tomorrow...), the walking boots have received two coatings of waterproofing, the arrival time has been confirmed to the hotel and I've started packing. Tomorrow evening I'll leave for Carlisle before continuing to Islay on Good Friday.
The first walk is on Saturday, really looking forward to it! Hopefully the weather will pick up as well, it's finally getting a bit warmer down here in England, I know that it snowed on Islay last Sunday (it didn't settle for long though). I already know of several "regulars" who will return, if any of you read this I'm looking forward to seeing you again (but also to meeting any new walkers!). I'm sure the odd wee dram of Islay Single Malt will be consumed, also the odd pint of Islay Ale. There will be good food, which will be walked off the next day.
There won't be any blogging until earliest Sunday the 23rd of April after my return. While I'll take my laptop with me the only time I'll boot it will be when I have to download the pictures from my camera to make room for more, over the coming weeks some of them will appear on the WalkIslay 2006 travelogue, some might also appear here.
Want something to visit while I'm gone? OK, OK, I have something for you: Try Cute Overload (that's Overload, not Overlord). Just don't forget to come back here in just over a week!
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