Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 12/Feb/2006: "Blogging Abroad Update"

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Blogging Abroad Update

As promised earlier today I've used the rain as a reason (or is it an excuse?) to finally update the Blogging Abroad (Expat Bloggers) page. Here are the 15 additions for this update, including the first ones for Burkina Faso and Northern Cyprus:

  1. From the UK to the Netherlands
  2. From Austria to the UK (interestingly enough to Swindon, so he's now my closest expat blogger neighbour)
  3. From Germany to the UK (in this case Birmingham)
  4. From the US to Denmark
  5. From the UK to Germany
  6. From the US to Aachen/Germany
  7. From Germany to Burkina Faso (blogging in German)
  8. From China to Denmark
  9. From Germany to London (blogging in German)
  10. From Jersey (USA) to the UK
  11. From England to Northern Cyprus
  12. From the US to Germany (which doesn't suck)
  13. From the US to Berlin (Germany)
  14. From Seattle (USA) to a small village in Austria
  15. From the US to Australia (via London)

That's all for now, next update probably in about a month, depending on how many new blogs I find or are sent to me via e-mail.

Oh, and another blog worth mentioning: In Paris Now: the Blog about Paris, France. It's the only group blog about Paris written exclusively in English. 19 contributors at the moment. Some of the contributors are expats, while others are French.

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