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What I Did Today
Somehow I managed to pretty much waste most of yesterday and felt a bit annoyed at the end of the day as I hadn't really got anything done. Decided to make better use of today and got a bit more done despite getting up fairly late after going to bed way too late last night. This is what I managed to do:
- Baked some shortbread, which turned out just as I wanted it
- Baked a wholemeal soda bread, using the usual recipe. I'll eat that over the next few days.
- Went for a long walk. I didn't feel like driving anywhere today, so just went for a long walk (>2hrs) around Swindon. Some areas I was familiar with, others I had never seen before.
- Finally got started on the Scotland Winter 2005 travelogue. Not much to see yet, but this should motivate me to complete it fairly quickly now.
That will have to do. Bedtime. More tomorrow, hopefully.
End of entry
Entry trivia
- When writing this entry the weather was: clear and cold
- When writing this entry I was listening to: The Wannadies - Yeah
- I'm currently reading/have just finished reading this book/publication: none really, have to start reading something again soon
- I recently visited this website/-page: In Actual Fact
- The last drink I had was/is: Glenmorangie (miniature bottle from 'secret santa')
End of entry trivia
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