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As threatened a week ago I've kicked off the Scotland Summer 2005 Travelogue. It will probably take me a few weeks to complete it, so far three pages are online: While the weather wasn't perfect I still had nice views over Loch Tummel from Queens View. The next day the views weren't so good during a walk on the Cairngorm Plateau. Actually, there were no views due to the low clouds. The day was saved during the afternoon when I watched salmon leaping at Rogie Falls.
Next will be the day hillwalking in Assynt to the two Munros of Conival and Ben More Assynt. If they turn out well there will also be one or two (or even three) QTVR panoramas of the views from the summit. I hope to complete these pages by Wednesday or Thursday this week.
Depending on how they turn out and what else I find to blog about I'll plug them here once complete or once all pages from Sutherland are complete (The Old Man of Stoer and Sandwood Bay are next). As they say, watch this space. Or subscribe to the RSS feed with the latest updates from my travelogue site.
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