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Yes, I'm still here
Before you think I've disappeared, yes, I still exist. I just couldn't be bothered to blog over the last few days. Did all kind of things, but didn't feel like blogging.
Some progress on the Scotland Summer 2004 travelogue though: I just uploaded the first page about an afternoon on the Rhinns of Galloway. The next page probably won't be completed until Wednesday, as it needs quite a bit of reviewing of pictures and preparation/testing of panoramas.
And as this is a blog, have a few links:
- The navigation is a bit useless, but then a man of leisure probably doesn't mind: The Chap Magazine. Quote from the ad in Private Eye:
The magazine that casts a monocled eye over the modern world, offering hints for living graciously. Regular features include hat doffing, mixing martinis, pipe smoking, gadding about, cultivating moustaches, tying cravats and wooing the ladies.
- I'm still going to be careful with my cards, but apparently digital memory cards are quite tough. Washing them, dunking them in coffee seems to be fine, only nailing them on to a tree is not such a good idea.
- Old is the new young (will that link get me into the Private Eye neophiliacs list?). Not entirely new, I've read similar stories before. But it's well written and I wonder when the marketers will really wake up to it: They have a lot of money and are willing to spend it. And I'm wondering if it might be a good idea to invest in Saga, if/when they go public later in 2004?
- BOB? Blödmann on Board?. Great analysis/comment by Bruce Schneier. (via BoingBoing)
Bedtime. If I can sleep that is. It's still very warm and muggy.
End of entry
Entry trivia
- When writing this entry the weather was: Mostly clear, still very warm
- When writing this entry I was listening to: BBC Radio 1
- I'm currently reading/have just finished reading this book/publication: Die Zeit (print edition)
- I recently visited this website/-page: The Accidental Smallholder
- The last drink I had was/is: Guinness
End of entry trivia
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