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It didn't get past my Spam filter, but it still annoyed me. When I looked through my spam folder today I initially thought I had found a "false positive". But when I opened the mail it turned to be just plain spam disguised as a notification from Amazon. If anyone from Amazon reads this and wants to go after them, the embedded pictures (which my e-mail client doesn't load) link to http://www.discountedsoft.biz/ (sorry, no direct link for obvious reasons). I'm more and more baffled by some of the tactics of some spammers: I can't imagine anyone not being pissed off by mails like this, so who do they expect will order anything from an e-mail they were tricked into opening? OK, they will probably get past some simple spam filters which filter by address (obviously you can't easily put amazon.com on a blacklist if you order from Amazon), but that's about it. Or is the idea to poison spam filters?
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Isn't the one above dodgy enough? No, I don't want to have my picture on the same page as an image of a spam mail. May be if I post again later today.
End of entry trivia
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